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 Here you can find some of our favorite sessions, a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, makeup, and education. I'm so glad you're here! xo

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I'm Emily xx

MacKenzie’s Spring Downtown Charleston Graduation Session ft The Pink Figgy

Mar 28, 2023

MacKenzie looked pretty in pink for her downtown Charleston graduation session! She is also a returning client! I had done her high school senior photos in Illinois 4 years prior, and I was ELATED when she asked me to come to Charleston for her! We had rented the Pink Figgy from Meredith, who was simply amazing to work with and made everything super easy! In case you are also interested in working with her, here is the link to her website: The Pink Figgy!

On the day of MacKenzie’s Charleston Graduation Session

We did this shoot in the early morning to beat the storms and heat coming in, and we got it in just in time! The day started off with a super jam packed morning! We started makeup and hair at 6:00 am, and continued shooting until after 12:00 pm! It was a long day, but we got it done! We first went to Rainbow Row and the Battery, before we moved onto Hampton Park, and then ending at her college campus. It was such an iconic session, and the spring blooms were EVERYTHING!

To check out MacKenzie’s Charleston Graduation session, check out the photos below!

Ready to book Emily Finger Photography for your next senior session? Click the link here!

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College Graduations

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