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I'm Emily xx

Cameron’s Spring Chicago Senior Session

May 11, 2023

Cameron’s Chicago senior session was incredible! Cameron is Madi Walker’s brother, someone I have worked very closely with in the past, so I was honored to be able to take photos for him as well! His mom, who is also a dear friend to me, also accompanied him for the photoshoot, and we had such a fun time! Cameron is a big soccer star and brought his uniform and ball so we could make sure to incorporate that into the shoot as well!

On the day of Cameron’s Chicago Senior Session

Cameron brought some of the best outfits and went straight into model mode, even letting me throw him into some florals, which turned out amazing! We started with cap and gown photos at the Baháʼí temple before moving onto some other locations. We did a mix of urban, nature, and even ended on the beach!

To check out Cameron’s Chicago senior session, check out the photos below!

Ready to book Emily Finger Photography for your next senior session? Click the link here!

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