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I'm Emily xx

Gavin’s Summer Chicago Senior Photoshoot

Aug 10, 2023

Gavin’s Chicago senior photoshoot was nothing short of awesome! He came ready to go with all of his outfits. He brought some more edgy outfits, some casual outfits, and he brought his volleyball uniform and gear too, since that was such a big part of his life and high school career. Both of his parents accompanied him on his session as well, and we all had the BEST time running around Winnetka capturing his senior photos!

On the day of Gavin’s Chicago Senior Session

We ended up in a few different types of locations throughout Gavin’s session. We focused more on urban locations for his more edgy outfits, followed by some nature spots for his casual outfits, and ending on the beach for sunset to incorporate his volleyball uniform and gear! Gavin even trusted me when I put him in a few interesting poses in random alleys, and let me tell you, the photos turned out great! Of course we also had to make a pit stop at Starbucks in between outfits for a little pick-me-up. His parents hopped in for a few photos as well. They are truly one of the best families, and I just loved getting the opportunity to work with them!

To check out Gavin’s Chicago senior session, check out the photos below!

Ready to book Emily Finger Photography for your next senior session? Click the link here!

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