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I'm Emily xx

Anna’s Lexington Equestrian Senior Session

Aug 22, 2023

Anna’s Lexington equestrian photoshoot turned out amazing! I was so honored that she wanted me to come down to capture her senior photos! So Lauren and I got into the car and took a road trip to KY! It was such a fun trip and we got so many beautiful photos. I was extremely happy to have had the opportunity to capture this exciting milestone in Anna’s life!

On the day of Anna’s Lexington Equestrian Photoshoot

To start the day, we had an in-person fashion consult with Anna’s clothes and my mobile client’s closet, where she picked out her outfits! We ate some Chipotle with Anna and her mom, and then had such a fun glam session and Anna looked beautiful!

We went to a few different spots in Lexington, including an area that resembled Charleston, SC with a few rainbow colored houses before we ultimately went to the barn so she could get some photos with the mare she rides, Bug, and gelding Bayberry. This barn is special to me because the farm belongs to my equestrian coach from college, whom I’ve stayed great friends with over the last decade and try to visit with once a year.

To check out Anna’s Lexington equestrian photoshoot, check out the photos below!

Ready to book Emily Finger Photography for your next senior session? Click the link here!

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