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 Here you can find some of our favorite sessions, a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, makeup, and education. I'm so glad you're here! xo

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I'm Emily xx

Marissa’s Fall & Halloween Inspired Session

Oct 3, 2023

I could not have been more excited for Marissa’s Fall Portrait session! Marissa has been a returning client since her senior session in 2021, so when she contacted me about a fall & halloween inspired session, I was so here for it! She wanted to do a mix of cute fall portraits and more spooky halloween vibes, which is pretty much speaking my love language! We had such a fun time getting all glammed and dressed up in her chosen outfits, and I absolutely can’t wait for our next session together!

On the day of Marissa’s Portrait Session

We did a few fun and cute fall outfits in downtown Winnetka to start the day off, before moving into a more witchy vibe for sunset in the Skokie Lagoons! The lighting throughout the entire day was incredible, and we couldn’t have asked for better fall weather for this shoot! We all know I LOVE Halloween, as seen by my previous Halloween Senior Spokesmodel shoots, so getting to do some more themed outfits and sessions are so much fun for me! Her witchy moment was giving AHS Coven vibes, and she just SLAYED all DAY.

To check out Marissa’s fall portrait session, check out the photos below!

Ready to book Emily Finger Photography for your next session? Click the link here!

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