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 Here you can find some of our favorite sessions, a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, makeup, and education. I'm so glad you're here! xo

Hi friend!
I'm Emily xx


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Hannah’s Wisconsin Senior Photoshoot was truly GOLDEN! Hannah kicked off her senior year with me by doing this session in Delafield, Wisconsin. One thing I love about Hannah is how excited she was for this photoshoot, and how much energy and joy she brought that was extremely contagious! There was absolutely no way we weren’t […]

Hannah’s Dreamy Golden End of Summer Delafield Wisconsin Senior Photoshoot

Aug 26, 2022


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Kalli’s Chicago Senior photoshoot was fall perfection! She was the winner of our senior session giveaway for the class of 2022, and I couldn’t have been more excited to work with her! Her session was held at the end of summer, right around the time when more of the autumn colors and fashion started to […]

Kalli’s Golden End of Summer Chicago Senior Photoshoot

Aug 23, 2022


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Meet our Senior Spokesmodel, Audrey! I have known Audrey and have been photographing her since she was 12 years old. I have watched her grow up into such a beautiful, kind, and wonderful woman. Audrey and her mom Lisa are two of the most incredible and nicest people I know and I am so lucky […]

Spokesmodel Audrey-Chicago Senior Photography

Aug 4, 2022


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Meet our Chicago Senior Spokesmodel, Nicole (aka Nikki!)! Nikki is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. She is actually part of the class of 2022 but didn’t have her senior photos done. So this year, I made her our bonus senior of the class of 2023! She found me through her best friend […]

Spokesmodel Nicole – Chicago Senior Photoshoot

Jul 20, 2022


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Penny’s North Salem equestrian photoshoot with her horse Evita was so bright and so much fun! The weather was insanely gorgeous, and so were these two ladies! Penny is a returning client that wanted to get photos with her new mare Evita. Penny is just full of light and so lovely to be around, I […]

Penny’s Sunny North Salem Equestrian Photoshoot

Jul 1, 2022


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Valerie’s afternoon Equestrian session in North Salem was GOLDEN!! This was my first time working with Valerie and her horse Belatrix, and I absolutely fell in love with them both! Valerie immediately became a friend and client who I love and adore, and I would happily go back and visit them in New York anytime! […]

Valerie’s North Salem Equestrian Photoshoot

Jun 29, 2022


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Eveline’s Chicago equestrian photoshoot with her horse Sylvester (aka Silly), and her partner Drew was nothing short of magical! The way the sun was setting in the background couldn’t have been any more perfect for this shoot. Eveline had Sylvester for 18 years! She had me come capture these photos before he passed, as a […]

Eveline’s Golden Hour Chicago Equestrian Photoshoot

Jun 17, 2022


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Justin and Abri Zinkl asked me to capture their 1 year wedding anniversary photos in Chicago. They had been disappointed in their wedding photos from a different photographer, so they had asked me to help them recreate some beautiful and iconic photos downtown.

Spring Chicago & North Avenue Beach Anniversary Session

May 13, 2022


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Thinking about joining Emily Finger’s Senior Spokesmodel Program? Then this blog is for you! Hey there, Class of 2023!! Class of 2023, it’s your turn! It’s your SENIOR YEAR! & it’s time to make all those amazing memories! Are you looking for a unique and super fun experience to add to your senior year? Have you been watching our […]

What is a Senior Spokesmodel Program?

Feb 21, 2022

Fingerprints Spokesmodel
Top Favorite Makeup and Skincare Products of 2022

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I am thrilled to write this post and share with all of you my top favorite makeup and skincare products of 2021. This two part blog series will cover all items that I’ve used time and time again on both clients & myself! They are tried and true and will not disappoint! I love providing […]

Top Favorite Makeup and Skincare Products of 2021 | Part One

Feb 10, 2022


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