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I'm Emily xx

Ben’s Northshore Chicago October Senior Session

Oct 24, 2023

Ben ROCKED his October senior session! He was a natural in the front of the camera and this was definitely the year of the car! Right after Cailey’s session, Ben also wanted to include photos of his car. Ben and his mom came for his session on the most beautiful 80 degree fall day. We had the BEST weather we could’ve asked for and the perfect fall foliage was starting to come through.

On the day of Ben’s October Senior Photoshoot

We started the session at a gorgeous forest preserve before heading over into town to get the most GQ worthy shots of him in his suit as well as some favorites at the train station! We then moved back to the Skokie Lagoons for some more fall foliage, where his dad joined us so we could get a couple family pictures to end the day! Their whole family was the best!

To check out Ben’s Chicago October senior session, check out the photos below!

Ready to book Emily Finger Photography for your next senior session? Click the link here!

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Senior Photography

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